Ciputra Artpreneur Center
Jl.Prof.DR.Satrio Kav 11

Indonesian Eye
dal 8/6/2011 al 9/7/2011
9am - 9pm, 7 days a week
+44 207 183 3577
Segnalato da

Catherine McClelland - Calum Sutton PR

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Indonesian Eye

Ciputra Artpreneur Center, Jakarta

Comprising some 41 works by 18 artists, Indonesian Eye: Fantasies & Realities presents a combination of paintings, sculpture and installations by a select group of Indonesia's most notable emerging and established contemporary artists. Select works from the Jakarta exhibition will be shown at the Saatchi Gallery from late August 2011, enabling an international audience to experience Indonesia's rich and dynamic contemporary visual arts.

comunicato stampa

Major Exhibition in Jakarta and London Showcases Contemporary Indonesian Art Ciputra Artpreneur Center, Jakarta, 9 June to 10 July 2011
Saatchi Gallery, London, 27 August to 9 October 2011

Indonesian Eye: Fantasies & Realities, presented by Prudential, will exhibit works by a select group of Indonesia’s most notable emerging and established contemporary artists. The exhibition opens at the Ciputra Artpreneur Center in Jakarta on 9 June, and will run for five weeks. It will then travel to London’s Saatchi Gallery, becoming the UK’s first major exhibition of Indonesian contemporary art. Indonesian Eye, founded by David and Serenella Ciclitira, is organised by Parallel Contemporary Art, the same team behind the successful, on-going Korean Eye exhibitions.

Comprising some 41 works by 18 artists, Indonesian Eye: Fantasies & Realities will present a combination of paintings, sculpture and installations. Heri Dono’s satirical paintings will be shown alongside Edo Pillu’s works that give existentialist comment on present day Indonesian society. The sculptures by Nindityo Adipurnomo employ traditional materials to highlight Indonesia’s rapidly changing society. Works by emerging artists will include Jompet’s installations of ghost-like figures from Indonesia’s Dutch colonial period and Angki Purbandono photographs depicting everyday life. Select works from the Jakarta exhibition will be shown at the Saatchi Gallery from late August 2011, enabling an international audience to experience Indonesia’s rich and dynamic contemporary visual arts.

The exhibition is curated by Serenella Ciclitira, curator and Co-founder of Parallel Contemporary Art; Tsong-zung Chang, Guest Professor of China Art Academy in Hangzhou and Director of Hanart TZ Gallery in Hong Kong; and Nigel Hurst, CEO of the Saatchi Gallery. A book “Indonesian Eye: Indonesian Contemporary Art” is being published by SKIRA to coincide with the launch of the exhibition. The book, edited by Serenella Ciclitira, will present over 500 works by 74 Indonesian artists.

Three Indonesian curators: Jim Supangkat, critic and chief curator of CP Foundation, Jakarta; Asmudo YonoIrianto, independent curator; and Farah Wardani, Executive Director of Indonesian Visual Art Archive (IVAA) collaborated with the curatorial team. Barry Stowe, Chief Executive of Prudential Corporation Asia said: “Prudential is proud to have this opportunity to bring international attention to Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage by showcasing the creative artworks in Jakarta and London. We have been operating in Indonesia since 1995 and our principal sponsorship of Indonesian Eye demonstrates our continued commitment to contributing to this dynamic country’s development and transformation”.

William Kuan, President Director of PT Prudential Life Assurance (Prudential Indonesia) said: “Having lived in Indonesia, I am personally thrilled that Prudential has been able to take the lead in this pioneering iniative. Prudential hopes that Indonesian Eye will have a significant impact on the ongoing development of the contemporary arts community here by stimulating and inspiring further collaborations and synergies across Indonesia’s different creative industries and the Government, to enhance the profile of our wonderful and thriving local art scene.”

The exhibition’s co-curator, Serenella Ciclitira said: “Prudential, through its generous support, has given Parallel Contemporary Art the opportunity to explore a new and exciting artistic ground. In the book and in the exhibition, we tried to select a wide spectrum of emerging contemporary Indonesian artists. More so than their Asian counterparts, Indonesian artists focus on a local appropriation of culture and express it in a fresh and at times deceptively naïve new language made up of myths, realities and child’s play mixed with a more abstract artistic expression.”

Nigel Hurst, CEO of the Saatchi Gallery said: “We’re thrilled to be working with Indonesian Eye and Prudential on such an exciting exhibition in Jakarta and London. The Saatchi Gallery’s role is to bring contemporary art to as wide an audience as possible and make it accessible, and I would like to thank Prudential and Indonesian Eye for choosing to work with us toward this aim. We are delighted to be hosting a special selection of emerging Indonesian art in London in the autumn. Neither the UK art world, nor our visiting public will be familiar with the work, which will serve as a real eye opener and provide a gateway to Indonesian culture as a whole.”

Rina Ciputra Sastrawinata, President Director of Ciputra Artpreneur Center said: “We are delighted to be a part of this exciting exhibition which will bring together for the first time important and emerging contemporary Indonesian artists at Saatchi Gallery London. Hopefully this will be a platform to further develop the artists’ entrepreneurship and exposure locally and globally.” Prudential Corporation Asia is the lead sponsor of Indonesian Eye. Other sponsors are Berita Satu Media Holdings, the Financial Times, Kompas, Metro TV and UOB.

Press Contacts
For all press enquiries about Indonesian Eye contact Catherine McClelland at Calum Sutton PR: / +44 207 183 3577
For all press enquiries about Prudential contact Chorie Arland / Yania Andarini at Stratcom / /

Image: Nindityo Adipurnomo, Portraits of Javanese Men, 2001
6 photos, 25,5 x 37cm
© Pat Binder and Gerhard Haupt, Universes in Universe, 2002

Opening 9 June 2011

Marketing Gallery & Artpreneur Center
Jl.Prof.DR.Satrio Kav 11
Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
Opening Hours: 9am - 9pm, 7 days a week
Admission: Free

Anna Onesti
dal 7/12/2011 al 7/1/2012

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