Pick-up captures the artistic processes of seven young fashion designers living and working in New York City. PICK-UP reviews specific moments of each designer's life, when their work is most fundamentally fragile and raw; it is a time where the creative force of new thought and interpretation clashes with the constant possibility of failure and obscurity.
PICK-UP captures the artistic processes of seven young fashion designers living and working in New York City. PICK-UP reviews specific moments of each designer's life, when their work is most fundamentally fragile and raw; it is a time where the creative force of new thought and interpretation clashes with the constant possibility of failure and obscurity.
PICK-UP's pages are held shut by two resin slabs and a giant industrial screw. Each designer picks an object that he/she identifies with. These serve as logos on a map of Manhattan.
Resin, fragile because of its transparent form, and protective in the way in which it retains a moment or a memory, functions as the book's external statement of intent: to preserve and display the intimate nature of the portraits within.
PICK-UP contains traces of each designer's artistic experience. Each designer was given the opportunity to create his or her own personal page. The final pages were made from materials that include leather, metal, mirror, a shopping bag and water color.
PICK-UP chose its designers based upon the common denominators of talent, craftsmanship, and the struggle to translate that talent into his or her own livelihood. PICK-UP is intent on translating the designers' distinct experience of the design process.
PICK-UP is a documentary book or livre-objet that examines the lives and works of 7 young designers while simultaneously creating it's own unique expression.
Open Tuesday to Saturday, Noon to 7PM
Sterilemind Gallery - Liesl Eisenbeiss, Owner/Curator - Natacha Polaert, PR
230 Mulberry Street, New York, NY 10012
ph 212-941-6767 - fx 212-941-6244