This show presents a selection of works by Curtis Mitchell, from the first sculptures to the most recent Meltdowns and Photo Events.
Jennifer Bacon and Filippo Fossati are pleased to announce the opening of the solo show by New York artist Curtis Mitchell at Esso Gallery, 531 West 26th Street.
'Since the mid 80s, Mitchell has fabricated works that seem to most viewers and critics to be each time that of a different artist. From his beginnings, Curtis Mitchell has been deconstructing the principles of the language of art as most of us know them.(...) He has been busting up sheetrock, burning rugs, covering blocks of cement with black chewing gum, filling sidewalk grates with made-up dirt and real glass, dimpling large sheets of paper with running water, laying out contact paper covered with glittering spreads of dirt, showering posters in a stream of acid or household chemicals and more, to say how vast is Mitchell's catalogue of materials and ideas. So vast as to displace the viewer who has to get used to Mitchell's continuous change of presence.(...)
Potassio P. Liffi
This show presents a selection of works by Curtis Mitchell, from the first sculptures to the most recent Meltdowns and Photo Events.
Curtis Mitchell's work has been exhibited at Esso Gallery, New York in the solo show After Van Eyck, Memling, Raffaello, Vermeer, Eakins, Van Gogh, Rockwell, and in 2002 (Meltdown and Photo Events); other exhibitions include Imaging the Abstract, Feigen Gallery, Curtis Mitchell, Andrea Rosen Gallery and AC Projects, New York (with Fritz Welch), the Mexican Cultural Institute, New York, Bucknell Art Gallery, Lewisburg, PA.; Univ. Galleries, Illinois State University and Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, MD; Sei artisti americani (Six American Artists), Villa Buttino, Castiglione and Galleria Paolo Tonin, Turin (Italy).
His work is included in the collections of The Walker Museum, Minneapolis; The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA and The Lannon Foundation, Los Angeles, CA among others.
The opening reception will be held on Saturday, October 18th from 6 to 8 p.m.
The exhibition will be open from October 18th through November 22nd, 2003.
Gallery hours are from Tuesday to Saturday, from 11:00. a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
New Installations, a solo exhibition by Curtis Mitchell at The Mattress Factory in Pittsburgh PA will open on October 25, 2003.
Esso Gallery, 531 West 26th Street
New York