I returned to my city ... the Czech photographer presents 60 photographs on daily life in St. Petersburg (Leningrad)
"I returned to my city ..." the Czech photographer presents 60 photographs on daily life in St. Petersburg (Leningrad). In 1972, 22 year-old photographer Jiri Tondl sent to the USSR to study the theory of newsprint and documentary photography in the Leningrad State University in the Department of Journalism. Between 1972 and 1977 he created a vast archive of documentary photographs that show the life of the city during the Brezhnev era. Roughness and grain Svema Soviet film, which in the USSR then worked all influenced the character of the shooting 70 passing atmosphere of the time. Negatives cut hands of long skeins obtained in the studio for a bottle of vodka. Leningrad during the period of "stagnation" failed to convey the realities of all "foreign" photographer. The reason for this was propaganda and ideology of the Soviet era. However, a few pictures of almost forgotten archive Jiri Tondla of Leningrad and its inhabitants 70 - ies were used by the author on his show in 2003 on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, which took place in the gallery of the University of California, and was then presented Art Institute in San Francisco, California, with the support of well-known educator, photographer and curator Ira La Toura. Curator Natalia Ponomareva.