Renaud Jerez. Mostra personale dell'artista francese. "It's all about the beauty of the flesh. Computing sensations".
Renaud Jerez (Narbonne, 1983)
Vive e lavora a Berlino
text by Attilia Fattori Franchini
Time Zone: - 4 GMT
Distance Travelled: 2729 miles
Local time at origin: 19.09
Local time at destination: 14.09
Altitude: 40078 ft
Outside Air temperature: - 72 F
Andy Warhol said everyone should be a machine.
But, someone else said that machine should be more like humans.
At the very last be someone who looks real.
Have u ever tried to consider how many different elements
are secretly stored behind your nails? it looks good man.
The soft ventral portion of your fingers.
Hypnotised fingers.
True to type.
NOW, close your eyes and visualize the word TACTILE (…)
What do u see?
DEEP RED, just deep deep red.
They guide you, you know.
It's transcendental, they say.
Every time becomes a tiny and exquisite partial death.
Hair and nails continue to grow after death. AND SO ON.
It's all about the beauty of the flesh.
Computing sensations.
Can u feel the pain or is just another representation of it?
Mere interpretation filtred.
63rd-77th STEPS - Art Project Staircase - è un project space per l’arte contemporanea ideato da Fabio Santacroce. Il nome fa riferimento all’ultimo segmento di una scala condominiale, l’area compresa tra il 63° e 77°gradino, all’interno di un palazzo dei primi del Novecento, nel quartiere Libertà di Bari.
Per limiti di spazio e in relazione alla natura domestica/condominiale della location, i progetti ospitati saranno visibili principalmente online o su appuntamento.
info: / + 393480516473
63rd-77th STEPS Art Project Staircase
Via Manzoni 348 - Bari