Abandonment Photography and Exploration in Southern California. In recent years the act of exploring in our already settled and developed urban landscapes has taken on a new meaning. People have taken notice of their surroundings and mustered a profound curiosity for areas deemed off limits, ignored or abandoned. Group exhibition.
Abandonment Photography and Exploration in Southern California
Reception for the Artists: Saturday, November 20th, from 6 to 9pm
In recent years the act of exploring in our already settled and developed
urban landscapes has taken on a new meaning. People have taken notice of
their surroundings and mustered a profound curiosity for areas deemed off
limits, ignored or abandoned. These people have come to identify themselves
as urban explorers. With cameras and flashlights in hand they set out to
document these little seen areas.
The majority are not professional
photographers, yet they are resourceful and cunning in their craft. They
habitually put themselves in the awkward situation of potential and
sometimes inevitable confrontation with property owners and/or the
authorities, crawl through sordid and unforgiving conditions, and even put
their physical well being on the line just to see what's behind a door, over
a fence, in an abandoned building, or underneath a manhole. Their intention
is not steal or vandalize but merely to seek out and find the hidden realms
of our human made environments.
Trespassers? Yes. Yet they hold nothing but
the deepest respect and appreciation for the places they visit, operating on
the simple but effective code used by hikers for generations: "Take nothing
but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints."
Ulteriora gathers the collective documentation of two of these explorers in
Southern California and presents them to you through photography and video.
The Office
An Art space
5122 Bolsa Ave. Suite #110, Huntington Beach, Ca 92649