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Marzo 2025


Vintage East Village

Hal Bromm, New York

A group exhibition curated by Rick Prol featuring vintage 1980's works by trend-setting artists who helped shape the legendary East Village art movement. The show highlights the spirit and energy that put the East Village on the 'Art History map', featuring works by over fifty artists, including Kiki Smith, David Wojnarowicz, Luis Frangella, Judy Glantzman, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Mike Bidlo, Kenny Scharf...

comunicato stampa

Artists include: Jean-Michel Basquiat, Mike Bidlo, Ashley Bickerton, Keiko Bonk, T. Brazelton, Andrew Castrucci Tseng Kwong Chi, Craig Coleman, Rich Colicchio, Arch Connelly Ronnie Cutrone, Peggy Cyphers, Jimmy DeSana, Stefan Eins Brigitte Engler, John Fekner, Luis Frangella, Bobby G, Judy Glantzman Rodney Alan Greenblat, Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, Peter Halley Richard Hambleton, Joel Handorff, Keith Haring, Peter Hujar, Dragan Ilic Keily Jenkins, Kim Keever, Mark Kostabi, Stephen Lack, Greer Lankton Allan McCollum, McDermott/McGough, Nicholas Mouffarrege Joseph Nechvatal, Kiell Erik Killi Olsen, Rick Prol, Jim Radakovich Louis Renzoni, Eric Rhein, Walter Robinson, James Romberger Hope Sandrow, Kenny Scharf, Russell Sharon, Kiki Smith Huck Snyder, Philip Taffe, Lori Taschler, Marguerite Van Cook

curated by Rick Prol

Hal Bromm Gallery/Tribeca will present “Vintage East Village”, a group exhibition curated by Rick Prol featuring vintage 1980's works by more than fifty trend-setting artists who helped shape the legendary East Village art movement. The exhibition will open January 20, 2005 and continue through April 29, 2005.
“Vintage East Village”, featuring vintage works by over fifty artists, highlights the spirit and energy that put the East Village on the “Art History map”.
Hal Bromm was an early champion of many of the area’s most significant artists who helped create the raucous, culturally-charged East Village scene. Instrumental in bringing attention to their work, Bromm’s gallery was one of the first to show David Wojnarowicz, Luis Frangella, John Fekner, Rick Prol, Mark Kostabi and many others. Keith Haring’s first one-person exhibition in New York was at Hal Bromm in 1981.

Bromm helped to draw attention to the growing East Village movement in 1984 with “Climbing”, a major group exhibition with works by 25 artists. “Climbing” presented fresh, exciting and innovative new art by many rising stars, including Kiki Smith, David Wojnarowicz, Luis Frangella, Judy Glantzman, Walter Robinson, Mike Bidlo, and Martin Wong.

In 1984, Carlo McCormick wrote that “Climbing” was “a search for the most promising of the lot…looking at a few trees in the forest”. In 2005, Vintage East Village provides a new view of that forest 20 years later.

Image: Rick Prol, Untitled # 19, 2001. Oil on canvas

A private viewing will be held Thursday, January 20, from 6:30 – 9:00.

Contact: Rick Prol, 212-228-6367

Hal Bromm Gallery 90 West Broadway at Chambers Street, Tribeca

Vintage East Village
dal 19/1/2005 al 29/4/2005

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
UnDo.Net è un dispositivo di creazione di valore immateriale; pensato come "ecosistema" della cultura contemporanea, come modello partecipativo che sviluppi la condivisione di ricerche, risorse e conoscenze, la collaborazione e lo scambio.
In questi 20 anni UnDo.Net ha perseguito il suo scopo: inventare un nuovo spazio, che prima non esisteva, di sperimentazione e di ricerca, di confronto e di dialogo.


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