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Gennaio 2025


Emergency Biennale

Palais de Tokyo, Paris

A suitcase from Paris to Grozny. Co-curated by Evelyne Jouanno and Jota Castro. Works, projects and concepts by more than 60 artists from all over the world will hit the road heading to a seldom visited and often forgotten destination: Chechnya. The project was conceived in a geopolitical context which has become so complex that it seemed necessary to mobilize the artists. Mobilization lasted for a week; positive answers from solicited artists continue to reach Paris. In parallel to the delivery of the suitcase to Grozny at a location yet to be finalized, Jota Castro will provide an area devoted to the event on the occasion of his exhibition at Palais de Tokyo, in order to show to the public the works of art sent to Chechnya.

comunicato stampa

A suitcase from Paris to Grozny
Co-curated by Evelyne Jouanno and Jota Castro

with the support of the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues - FIDH
February 23rd, 2005 - ? ? ?

On 23 February at 7pm at the Palais de Tokyo - centre for contemporary creation - in Paris : press conference and launching of the Emergency Biennale, followed by a round table on the situation in Chechnya organized by the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH).

A suitcase filled with works, projects and concepts by more than 60 artists from all over the world will hit the road heading to a seldom visited and often forgotten destination: Chechnya.

Wishing to react to the phenomenon of proliferation of Biennales, we decided to create the concept of the 'Emergency Biennale', without funds and on an emergency footing. The first Emergency Biennale, in collaboration with the FIDH (International Federation of Human Rights Leagues), was conceived in a geopolitical context which has become so complex that it seemed necessary to mobilize the artists.

Mobilization lasted for a week (around January 26th); positive answers from solicited artists continue to reach Paris. The list of participants will be brought up to date at the time of departure of the suitcase, planned for February 23, anniversary date of the first deportation of the Chechens in 1944.

In parallel to the delivery of the suitcase to Grozny at a location yet to be finalized (it could be the large Concert Hall), Jota Castro will provide as from February 23 until April 3 an area devoted to the event on the occasion of his Exposition Universelle 1 at Palais de Tokyo, centre for contemporary creation in Paris, in order to show to the public the works of art sent to Chechnya. (Artists were asked to provide two copies of their works).

All kinds of information on Chechnya will also be presented. Mylene Sauloy's and Manon Loizeau's films on daily life and culture of Chechens since the beginning of the first war in 1994 will be screened.

In addition, an internet post with webcam and direct access to the website created for the occasion - - will do its utmost to connect with Chechen partners, to receive images and information on the suitcase and the organization of the exhibition in Grozny. A discussion forum will also offer an opportunity to react and exchange on the subject across and beyond all borders.

A publication is in preparation. It will comprise texts on the situation of human rights, some theoretical articles on art, political and social sciences as well as images of the various artistic projects.

List of participants:
Adel Abdessemed, A Constructed World, Dennis Adams, Maria-Thereza Alves, Francis Alÿs, Maja Bajevic, Ruth Barabash, Delphine Bedel, Sylvie Blocher, Blue Noses, Marc Boucherot, Véronique Boudier, Mathieu Briand, Santiago Caicedo, Cao Fei, Jota Castro, Raimond Chaves, Chen Shaoxiong, Magali Claude, Gu Dexin, Jimmie Durham, Al Fadhil, Seamus Farrell, Adriana García Galán, Ghazel, Roya Ghiasy, Yves Grenet, Daniel Guzmán, Jens Haaning, Han Myung-Ok, Alfredo Jaar, Fu Jie, KOLKOZ, Koo Jeong-A, Gabriel Kuri, Surasi Kusolwong, Gilda Mantilla, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Oda Projesi, Lucy Orta, Damián Ortega, David Renaud, Thorbjørn Reuter Christiansen, Nina and Torsten Römer, Julian Rosefeldt, State of Sabotage, Juan Esteban Sandoval, Sarkis, Zineb Sedira, Shen Yuan, Nedko Solakov, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Anton Vidokle, Luca Vitone, Wang Du, Florence Wang, Sislej Xhafa, Yan Lei, Yang Fudong, Yang Jie Chang, Zheng Guogu, Zhu Jia...

Palais de Tokyo
13, avenue du President Wilson Paris

dal 24/11/2015 al 9/1/2016

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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