Jin Lie
Jonathan Meese
Ilias Papailiakis
David Renggli
Simon Schubert
Diamantis Sotiropoulos
Jin Lie, Jonathan Meese, Ilias Papailiakis, David Renggli, Simon Schubert and Diamantis Sotiropoulos. These six artists attempt to explain the world starting from myth and represent it in paintings, sculptures and installations.
Jin Lie, Jonathan Meese, Ilias Papailiakis, David Renggli, Simon Schubert and Diamantis Sotiropoulos
Upstairs berlin is pleased to announce the thematic group exhibition Myth – Matrix of the World featuring six contemporary artists shown for the first time together in Berlin. Jin Lie, Jonathan Meese, Ilias Papailiakis, David Renggli, Simon Schubert and Diamantis Sotiropoulos deal with the meaning of myth in different ways.
Their works imply that the power of mythic thinking and imagination is undiminished and that myth constitutes an essential element of artistic creation. Just as the artists of previous centuries aspired to visually question the genesis of the world and its end, the origin of gods and men and certain natural phenomena, these six artists attempt to explain the world starting from myth and represent it in paintings, sculptures and installations.
Image: Diamantis Sotiropoulos, Fighting Fauns, 253 x 150 cm, ink and glitter on paper. Courtesy Gazon Rouge
Upstairs Berlin Gallery
Zimmerstrasse 90/91, staircase A - Berlin
Open from Tuesday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Admission free