Solo show. Paintings. His subject is the figure in the landscape, but it is a landscape that is itself subject to rapid change as the socio-economic situation of Romania shifts as the country enters the European Union.
f a projects is pleased to announce the first UK exhibition of work by the young Romanian painter Serban Savu.
Savu is one of a young generation of artists from Cluj, in the north of Romania, who trained together at the Academy there, and in recent years have emerged rapidly onto the international scene. In 2007 His work was included in Cluj Connection at Haunch of Venison, Zurich, and in the Prague Biennale, as well as shows at David Nolan Gallery, New York, Lora Reynolds Gallery, Houston and Kontainer Gallery, Los Angeles.
Savu is a figurative painter. His subject is the figure in the landscape, but it is a landscape, and a subject that is itself subject to rapid change as the socio-economic situation of Romania shifts as the country enters the European Union.
Image: © Serban Savu Far from the Sea, 2007 Oil on canvas 23 x 35 cm
FA Projects
1-2 Bear Gardens - London