Lawyers That Are
Artists, the Attic
Gallery's first Spring
Show, will star four of
the sharpest legal
minds in Cincinnati.
Federal Judge Art
Spiegel; Graydon Head
and Ritchie partner
Bruce Petrie, Jr.;
Robert Manley, who has argued before the U.S. Supreme
Court; and successful lawyer Paul Vollman are exceptionally
talented artists and attorneys. This exhibition is one of the
best that the Attic Gallery has put on.
Art Spiegel- Known for his Cincinnati landscapes, Art also
produces classically themed artwork with great skill. He is
phenomenally talented, only having taken up painting three
years ago and producing such good work.
Bruce Petrie, Jr.- Well known for his landscapes and
portraits, Bruce has been painting for years and his work
bears some resemblance to Twachtman. Petrie's work is a
Robert Manley- An exceptional photographer who will be
presenting architectural prints, Manley is known for his trips
to the Amazon River in Brazil and has done remarkable
photographs of the sights there.
Paul Vollman- Popular painter of Cincinnati landmarks, Paul
is a favorite among collectors of fine oil paintings.
Attic Gallery
Cincinnati, OH
USA United States of America