Istituto Italiano di Cultura
500 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1450
+1 312 8229545 FAX +1 312 8229622
dal 9/6/2008 al 1/9/2008
Mon-Fri 9-1 pm, 2-5 pm

Segnalato da

Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Chicago



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Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Chicago

Muffins: drawings, etchings, videos, installations. Envision a mixture of the satirical aspirations of Banksy, the visionary anguish of H. Bosch, the formal precision of the etches of Durer. Imagine the beloved animals from your favorite fairy tales projected into a post-human atmosphere, sadly constrained to survive with the contradictions and hypocrisies of reality.

comunicato stampa

---italian below

Envision a mixture of the satirical aspirations of Banksy, the visionary anguish of H. Bosch, the formal precision of the etches of Dürer. Imagine the beloved animals from your favorite fairy tales projected into a post-human atmosphere, sadly constrained to survive with the contradictions and hypocrisies of reality. Ericailcane, one of the most interesting and cutting edge Italian contemporary artists, will bring to Chicago Muffins, an exhibition of thirty of his latest works featuring the world of fantasy, including designs, graffiti, and paintings, which will be on display until September 3, 2008.

The etchings, dry point and acquaforte are techniques which the artist uses with the same skill as Flemmish artists, while incorporating new media, such as “stop motion” video, revealing an affiliation with the digital culture. This multimedia exhibition is complete with the artist’s inclination towards installations, tattoos, and brief animation. The artist’s style remains distinctly recognizable, despite the explosion and multiplicity of language. The artist’s work often recalls a diverse creativity derived from a collective of artists, but it is always done by one artist. And often, this cooperative style is the result of stylistic decisions.

Of great impact and noteworthy formal composition, are the artist’s representations of morphed animals, often of enormous proportions, and which display a state of melancholy. These figures give life to a silent circle of creatures, which are unhopeful and never reassuring. It exposes the viewer to a hybrid world that speaks of nightmares as if they were dreams, animals as if they were humans. The artist reveals the inherent melancholy, the intimacy of the creatures, suspended between satire and compassion.

Ericailcane emerged out of the tradition of the third generation of street art, following the graffiti artists of New York, which began at the end of the 70s, and the explosion started by Haring and Basquiat, in the 80s. Ericailcane conserves the skillful ability of these graffiti artists, by incorporating a certain recognizable vain, tied to realm of the oddity, as is defined the current graffiti movement, which creates puppets and deformed animals.

For several years, the artist has abandoned spray paint for the pen, above all refusing the traditional styles of writing, such as the use of the tag and the obsessive manner of incorporating words and letters. Ericailcane’s mature work reveals a commitment to experimenting with forms and expanded communication, which allows him to maintain the abusive character of his first appointments, characterized by the choice of alternative locations and artistic circuits. His subjects have been exhibited in the fabric of the urban subculture on the walls of numerous cities, including Rome, Milan, Bologna, London, and Berlin. This visibility has led to the artist being called to other parts of the world, where he has left traces of his universe: from Palestine to Nicaragua, from Spain to Poland, places where contemporary graffiti is infused in an unexpected short circuit with the mural culture.

Opening: Tuesday, June 10th 2008 at 6 p.m.

Istituto Italiano di Cultura
500 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1450 Chicago
mon-fri 9 - 1 a.m. and 2 - 5 p.m


Con la mostra Muffins di Ericailcane l’Istituto di Cultura di Chicago inaugura una nuova stagione di sperimentazioni relative all’arte italiana dei nostri giorni. L’artista è una fra le più interessanti voci della ricerca estetica contemporanea. Dietro questo nome enigmatico si nasconde un artista che di volta in volta assume identità molteplici a seconda dei luoghi e a seconda degli scopi.

Da anni le sue creazioni girano per il mondo e da Bologna, la città in cui vive, sono arrivate a Londra, Los Angeles, Managua, Betlemme, Barcellona, solo per citarne alcune.

Il mondo di Ericailcane è un mondo popolato da creature fantastiche, animaletti fuggiti da un libro di favole: topi imbronciati, rane pensierose, orsi malinconici, scimmie maligne, furetti isterici, galline sarcastiche.

A dare forma a questo bestiario concorrono innumerevoli veicoli espressivi come la pittura, l’incisione, la serigrafia, i video (solitamente realizzati con la tecnica dello stop-motion), poi la scultura con pupazzi, manichini, attrezzi di ogni genere.

Se la sua mano si lega alla tradizione pittorica, con richiami all’universo di Bosh, Goya, Fuchs, il suo spirito invece galleggia nella tempesta elettrica delle avanguardie e fa sua l’etica del codice aperto, della condivisione, dell’attentato al diritto d’autore.

Per Muffins Ericailcane porterà a Chicago oltre 50 opere che documentano la sua recente produzione.

Ha collaborato con il Teatro dell’Argine, con Santas Ghetto di Bansky, con Louise Rhodes dei Lamb e con tanti altri protagonisti della scena artistica, teatrale e musicale. Ha esposto in numerose gallerie, nazionali ed internazionali fra le quali la Galleria Biagiotti di Firenze, Lazarides Gallery di Londra e la Scion Gallery di Los Angeles.

Inaugurazione martedì 10 giugno ore 18.00

Istituto Italiano di Cultura
500 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1450 Chicago, IL 60611
orario apertura 9-13 e 14-17

Gianluigi Toccafondo
dal 4/10/2010 al 13/1/2011

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