The show will include sets of Polaroids from a series entitled "Pictures from within" as well as recent paintings. Using light as a medium the artist takes pictures of dark interiors, into which shafts and rays of light fall from windows and doors.
From January19th, 2002 Gallery Niklas von Bartha is delighted to present an
exhibition with works by the Finnish artist Juhana Blomstedt. The exhibition
will be on view until February 21st. The show will include sets of Polaroids
from a series entitled "Pictures from within" as well as recent paintings.
Best know for his abstract and constructivist paintings Juhana Blomstedt
most recently worked with Photography. Using light as a medium the artist
takes pictures of dark interiors, into which shafts and rays of light fall
from windows and doors. These virtually abstract images are then mounted as
sets of pictures in rows to form a series. By arranging the images the
artist creates an overall impression of an interior.
Similar to the artist¹s paintings the Polaroids are studies of light and its
characteristics. Concentrating on small areas rather then depicting entire
spaces the images bring forward the effects of light falling on an object or
surface. The contrast between the dark surroundings and the light areas
underlines the artist¹s intention to alienate the images. This results in
each image bordering between the abstract and the figurative.
In addition to Juhana Blomstedt¹s paintings and photographs the artist has
worked in a variety of areas, these include sculpture, stage designs, book
covers and illustrations. A number of his works have been published as
limited edition artist prints. A selection is available through the Gallery.
Works by Juhana Blomstedt are currently also on view at the Carnegie Art
Award exhibition at Victoria Miro Gallery until January 20th 2002. For
further information regarding the Award please visit the Carnegie Art Award
website at
From February 7th  10th the Juhana Blomstedt exhibition will be closed during the "Art on Paper Fair". Gallery N. von Bartha exhibits at Booth No. 2, please call for free tickets.
Gallery Niklas von Bartha 22 Brechin Place SW7 4QA London England
T.+44-20-73 70 47 54 F.+44-20-73 70 19 54