Voyage of No Return. The show features Horsecross' most ambitious commission to date a multi-channel video installation, shot at the Scottish port of Oban and inspired by Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities, as well as Marcel Broodthaers' film Un Voyage en Mer du Nord. It testifies not only to the artist's uncanny eye for detail but the 'consummate visual poetry' which lies at the heart of his work.
curated by Iliyana Nedkova
This exhibition features Horsecross' most ambitious commission to date – a multi-channel video installation, shot at the Scottish port of Oban and inspired by Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities, as well as Marcel Broodthaers' film Un Voyage en Mer du Nord. This is the first solo exhibition in the artspace.
Voyage of No Return testifies not only to the artist's uncanny eye for detail but the 'consummate visual poetry' which lies at the heart of his work. Pivotal in this installation is the notion of a city and its harbour, which knows just departures. Cavusoglu's work examines the condition of being adrift and placeless, of bypassing contingent borders and family ties. He comments on the 'dissonant transitions that lead us beyond the return to places of origin, or the reach of ultimate destinations'.
Also on view are three of the artist's earlier films, recreated as 22-channel video installations showing on the Threshold Wave dominating the artspace. Included are Midnight Express, Empire (after Andy Warhol) and Fog Walking – which together induce a sense of nocturnal transience and gloomy foreboding.
Midnight Express interprets the passage of trains as a poetic representation of the divide between East and West; the image moving from one screen to another mirroring the trains' journey. Empire (after Andy Warhol) slows down the transition from dusk to night; an intricate interplay of light and dark silently gliding across the screens. Fog Walking allows for occasional glimpses of silhouettes: chateaus and statues are caught fleetingly through the all-encompassing fog, creating a sense of ominous suspense.
Voyage of No Return is showing alongside Cavusoglu's personal selection of works from the Horsecross collection. A new limited edition under the same title is to be unveiled later in 2009.
Threshold artspace
Horsecross, Perth Concert Hall Mill Street, Perth