Shoja Azari
Jimmie Durham
Regina Jose' Galindo
Tadeusz Kantor
Klara Liden
Michael Rakowitz
Reloading Images
Seher Shah
Valerie Smith
Exhibition - Film - Discourse. Eight artistic statements protesting intolerable conditions, ranging from the "dead" classroom by the Polish artist Tadeusz Kantor to Jimmie Durham's unmasking of America's founding myth in "Building a Nation", to Regina Jose' Galindo's opening performance: her own gold teeth become the metaphor not only for the exploitation of Latin America, but also call forth associations of the brutality of the "Third Reich". The works take on today's global reality - not by reflecting or reproducing it, but by distilling its essence.
Exhibition Artists: Shoja Azari (Iran), Jimmie Durham (USA), Regina José Galindo
(Guatemala), Tadeusz Kantor (PL), Klara Lidén (S), Michael Rakowitz (USA), reloading
images (Iran / USA / UK / D/ Egypt), Seher Shah (USA) and a platform: discursive arena
by ifau (D)
Curated by Valerie Smith
From March14th to May 9th the Haus der Kulturen der Welt examines a range of aesthetic and
philosophic questions centered on the concept of rage. Is there a new "culture of rage" in the
current economic and political crises and states of emergency? How can we process in positive
and creative ways instances of war, repression, mass migration, poverty or urban bankruptcy?
What new geographies and phenomena emerge from rage provoking events? How do different
cultural spheres take control or become empowered when greed and power dominate?
Throughout the exhibition and discursive program of On Rage, artists, writers and cultural
historians probe the psychological, social, political, and economic consequences that effect a
population in the aftermath of dramatic and violent changes. The strategies and intellectual
processes used to deal with rage is the theme of the exhibition and discursive program co-
curated by Valerie Smith, head of Visual Arts, Film and Media and Susanne Stemmler, head
of Literature and Humanities and Cordula Hamschmidt, Program Coordinator in the Literature
and Humanities department at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, who together have conceived a
thematically and medially interlinked project.
Jimmie Durham’s installation "Building a Nation," which arose during a series of live
performances in 2006, examines the history of systematic genocide against the indigenous
peoples of North America. Injurious quotes from powerful Americans appear between the
detritus of the North American landscape. Within her monumental architectural drawings, Seher
Shah makes a direct relationship to the body, using space as a metaphor for an interior world
that mines the urban history of solids and voids, memory and its absence. Shoja Azari’s coffee
house painting, "Final Judgment," is a video projection, focusing on how all media is used to
perpetuate myths and political agendas, in this case, the exploitation of religious
fundamentalism. The death or the deadening of culture is a theme that runs through of Tadeusz
Kantor’s (1915-1990) prolific works. In "Klasa szkolna dzielo zamkniete / The Classroom –
Closed Work," spectators watch as a boy confined to his school desk, slowly but surely,
acquiesces to indoctrination.
A work of assembly architecture specially developed by the ifau collective (institute für
angewandte urbanistik) creates a setting – the "spatial heart" of the accompanying program –
for discursive negotiations within the exhibition.
The exhibition includes four commissioned works: The international artists' collective Reloading
Images, whose work begins at the interface between aesthetic and discursive practices, has
specially developed a new piece for the exhibition that revolves around the need for the
international community to take responsibility for their fate. In "On how to Appear Invisible: the
Negotiation," they create a symbolic replica of the United Nations Security Council and fictional
deliberations. The project will be variously represented in three cities: Berlin (HKW), Beirut
(Homeworks V), Cairo (Townhouse Gallery). In Regina José Galindo new piece "Looting," she
translates the continuation of the history of colonial exploitation into a performance. Her work is
created on-site during the opening and will leave behind a video document and the affects of
her performance. The Berlin-based Swedish artist Klara Lidén, whose work explores the body’s
relationship to architecture as well as intimate forms of resistance to socially accepted norms
and role conceptions, installs up in the balcony of the exhibition hall an environment amidst
objects and video works with music. "May the Arrogant Not Prevail," follows on an earlier work
in which Michael Rakowitz dramatized the looting of the Baghdad Museum as an imperialist
paradigm. For HKW he will create replica of the current replica of the Ishtar Gate that has turned
into a tourist attraction for American soldiers stationed in Baghdad. His "copy of a copy" is
constructed from Arab packaging materials found in Berlin, the surrogate city of the "original"
Ishtar Gate now at the Pergamon Museum.
Lectures, Artist Talks and Performances (including Discoteca Flaming Star, Mick Taussig,
Yana Milev, Abdelwahhab Meddeb, Jean Ziegler, Stefan Weidner) examine the topic of rage
along with an extensive film program. The event includes a three-day open seminar led by
Georg Seeßlen – conceived and organized by the Guardini Stiftung in partnership with the
Haus der Kulturen der Welt – and Documentaries and Feature Films which take up the
themes of the lectures and talks. In the educational program "Learn and Experience" artists
take school classes and senior groups into "Wuträume" to search for traces of relics and the
witnesses of social, political and emotional states of emergency.
A 3-day long "Rage Summit" (May 07-09) marks the final part of the interdisciplinary program
"Über Wut | On Rage, involving different discursive formats. The main core consists of three
open panels with the following topics: (1)"Anger, revisited: Cultures of Protest, Terrors of
War", including Silvère Lothringer, Simon Critchley et al; (2)"Anger as affect: A question of
Emotion" including Paolo Santangelo, Boyan Manchev et al, and (3) "Anger, now: Tipping
points, borderlines, emergencies", with Aaron Ben Ze’ev, Mark Terkessidis (tbc) et al.
Furthermore, "Dialogical Inquiries" in which representatives of various disciplines and fields of
work come together into a sudden call regarding questions in the field of anger, as well as "Re-Readings" in which key texts on anger and rage are being made accessible and read by artists
and intellectuals will take place throughout the Rage-Summit.
Aside from the performance of Regina José Galindo at the opening on 13.03. German-Turkish actor Birol Ünel performs a Re-Reading of Allen Ginsberg's "Howl /Geheul".
During the Gallery Weekend on 29.4. and 1.5.: Talks and performances with Jimmie Durham, Mick Taussig, Oreet Ashery, Klara Lidén, Andrew Nelson and Discoteca Flaming Star.
Sunday Tours
with artists, researchers and social activists
14.3., 21.3., 4.4., 11.4., 18.4. at 15 h
participation fee € 3 plus admission
Special tours "Visits"
Art walks between Hamburger Bahnhof and HKW
Sun 28.3. 15 h, Sun 25.4. 15 h | meet at: Hamburger Bahnhof
Participation fee € 3 plus admission
School tours by appointment: 030 - 397 87 180,
Image: Regina José Galindo Looting (2010). Comissioned by Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Produced by HKW and Prometeo Gallery di Ida Pisani
Press office:
Anne Maier Tel +49 (0)30 39787153, Fax: +49 30 3948679
Opening on March 13, 2010, 6 pm
Program: 6.30 pm Performance by Regina José Galindo
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10 D10557 Berlin
Hours: Thu - Mon 11-19 h, Wed 11-22 h
Exhibition 5 € / 3 € (Mon free admission), Film 5 € / 3 €, combo ticket Exhibition + Film 8 € / 5 €
Lectures, ReReading, performances, talks (incl. exhibition ticket) 5 € / 3 €