Sunday School Lecture
Sunday School with Mark Kremer and gerlach en koop in relation to the exhibition When elephants come marching in. During the Sunday School at de Appel arts centre, the collective gerlach en koop is invited. Mark Kremer, guest curator of the show, will talk with them in an informal conversation. In the exhibition When elephants come marching in gerlach en koop are showing the work Execution, with existing drill holes and a pack of 400 sheets A4, offset, straight from the printer and unopened. What's left from the former exhibition, a former exhibition, the one before that or even before the one that came before, is used by gerlach en koop for a modest but expansive piece that could be characterized as a release. This use however is minimal; it basically appeals to one's imagination. 14 Dec 2014,3:00 - 4:00 pm.