The artist presents the U.S. premiere of his most recent short film "Le Ceneri di Pasolini" 2009
In conjunction with MoMA's Documentary Fortnight, 2010, renowned artist, architect, and filmmaker Alfredo Jaar presents the U.S. premiere of his most recent short film "Le Ceneri di Pasolini" 2009, which was produced in conjunction with a series of related art projects. A tribute to the brilliant Italian filmmaker, intellectual, poet, critic, and journalist, The Ashes of Pasolini incorporates footage from Pasolini's films and rare interviews conducted prior to his sudden and mysterious death in 1975. The title refers to Pasolini's own poem "Le Ceneri di Gramsci" itself a eulogy to the Italian left-wing intellectual Antonio Gramsci. Jaar, who lives and works in New York, was born in Santiago, Chile, in 1956. His work has been shown extensively in international biennials and solo and group exhibitions, and he frequently stages "public interventions" that bring to light injustice in the world.