{movimento milc},
Courtesy dell'artista
Il viaggio dei migrati come il movimento delle meduse.
Movenze sinuose in alto mare divengono pericolo e goffo agire in acque basse.
Immigrazione: trasferimento permanente o temporaneo di gruppi di persone in un paese diverso da quello di origine.
Clandestini o immigrati? La differenza è enorme.
La linea di confine è l'orizzonte del mare, ambiente naturale senza confini, libero da sovrastrutture e preconcetti, lontano dal "nero oceano dell'immonda città...
Il mare, il vasto mare, consola i nostri affanni!"
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Mario Raoli,
Courtesy dell'artista
Triathlon is a video documentative of a sporting event sponsored by the Italian Presidency of the Council, which takes place every day on the island of Lampedusa in Italy and that in recent two years is having an unprecedented mediatic and participation success.
The Italian Government and the Minister of Tourism and Sports motivated by that, asked to the Olympic Committee to admit this sub-diclipline of Triathlon to the the London 2012 Olympic Games: instead of the classical tripartite division of specialties in swimming, cycling and running, this provides a succession of sailing, steeplechase and free diving.
Given the large number of african participants the governments of Maghreb countries and Italy have created a dense net of departure and arrival points in many cities, but general favourite locations are still remaining the city of Tripoli and the island of Lampedusa.
To participate in the competitions you have to make long training in the african deserts, fast for a long time and suffer every kind of violence.
The participation fee is quite high: it ranges from 2000 to 5000 euros per person...