Salon Ivanova was initiated by performance artist Zhana Ivanova and sound artist Sam Burton while they were living in London. The small informal event took place in Ivanova's living room where they worked together on performances and invited other artists to collaborate.
(Zhana Ivanova)
Salon Ivanova was initiated by performance artist Zhana Ivanova and sound
artist Sam Burton while they were living in London.
The small informal event took place in Ivanova's living room where they
worked together on performances and invited other artists to collaborate.
Salon Ivanova will introduce itself from 29 March to 10 April and will
re-occur at Dolores approximately every five weeks in between the
exhibition periods. The first performance will be a collaboration with
Takashi Iwaoka.
Idealism, due to unforeseeable circumstance.
Reality (we insist), our own or shared with others, entirely by will,
imagination, belief, hope, desire, fantasy, sex, emotion, intuition,
sensitivity, solidarity, hospitality, honour, stupidity, mobility,
mortality, [in]sanity, [im]morality, sense of [ir]responsibility, political
[in]correct-ness, justice (ask the president), innocence, convenience,
availability (call us to check it up), survival skill (from the manual),
financial situation (advised by the bank), luck, favourite TV programme,
holiday plan, what the astrologer says on today's news paper, next page
tomorrow's weather and much more (or less?).
Performance: 10 April, 22.00h
Opening: Sat. 6 March 17.00-19.00h / Exhibition: 6 March - 10 April
Opening times: Tuesday - Saturday 13.00-18.00h, 1st Sunday of the month
Ellen de Bruijne
Rozengracht 207 A - 1016 LZ
+31(0) 20 530 4994