Joie Lassiter Gallery
1440 South Tryon Street, ste. 104
001 7043731464 FAX 001 7043731463
Jimmy O'Neal
dal 6/5/2004 al 11/6/2004
(001) 704.373.1464 FAX (001) 704.373.1463
Segnalato da

Kate Baillon-Case & Joie Lassiter

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Jimmy O'Neal

Joie Lassiter Gallery, Charlotte

Primacy of Movement & Works from the Rose Art Museum 'Painting4'. O'Neal challenges the notion that paintings are discrete entities, confined to their places on walls. By using mirrorized paint (invented by the artist) each viewer has a unique and very personal experience.

comunicato stampa

Primacy of Movement & Works from the Rose Art Museum 'Painting4'

O'Neal challenges the notion that paintings are discrete entities, confined to their places on walls. By using mirrorized paint (invented by the artist) each viewer has a unique and very personal experience.

Electrocution drawings: Using a pen connected to a voltage box, as O'Neal scribes the circuit is completed and a small hole is burned in the paper. Each hole represents the artist's literal connection to his work, physically feeling each mark placed.

O'Neal's subject matter- whether figurative, allegorical, abstract or symbolic - combined with his choice of materials, conjures magical & challenging realities, questioning our idea of what painting and drawing is & all of what it could be.

Joie Lassiter Gallery
525 North Tryon Street - Suite 140 & 11th Floor, NC 28202

dal 6/12/2007 al 25/1/2008

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