Wurttembergischer Kunstverein WKV
Schlossplatz 2
+49 0711 223370 FAX +49 0711 293617
Spuren spuren
dal 21/5/2015 al 13/6/2015

Segnalato da

Iris Dressler

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Inaugurazioni | In corso
Gennaio 2025


Spuren spuren

Wurttembergischer Kunstverein WKV, Stuttgart

All in Golden Ratio. The show is the result of a collaboration between Asli Serbest and Mona Mahall. In their work they are trying to deconstruct the borders of architectural practice by applying intermedial approaches.

comunicato stampa

A project by Asli Serbest, Mona Mahall (m-a-u-s-e-r) and Adelheid Schulz

The exhibition Spuren spuren is the result of a collaboration between Asli Serbest and Mona Mahall. The two architects are working together under the nom de guerre m-a-u-s-e-r. In their work they are trying to deconstruct the borders of architectural practice by applying intermedial approaches. Besides mending seemingly contrary disciplines, collaboration is a key element to their work.

Adelheid Schulz, a theatre director, involved in the project exemplifies this.
Asli Serbest and Mona Mahall teach at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art in the department foundations of design and experimental architecture. They are furthermore involved in the Institute of Foundations of Modern Architecture and Design, at the University Stuttgart. Students of both institutions participate in the project Spuren spuren. Workshops have been taking place in both Stuttgart and Athens.

Spuren spuren applies the concept of collecting and producing traces at the same time. In an in-between state of collection and production, events and interventions are both recorded as well as triggered. Two snakes, the crisis, a beach hut, the desert, and Hölderlin traverse these events and thus challenge strict oppositions between subject and object, between origin and derivative.

The question is raised, whether traces can be linked to any localities at all. Can this only happen at the place of origin or is it possible to do so by a reference or model within an exhibition? In addition it is being emphasized that localizations are difficult to maintain in the age of the Internet, which enables complete medial connectedness and diffusion.

Spuren spuren is not conceptualized as static misé-en-scene. Besides a presentation within the exhibition-space the latter becomes a subject of production in itself. The Querungen are transformed into the locality of an ongoing process. During the exhibition a travel agency is installed, Greek language courses are offered. A course on the golden ratio is taking. The exhibition becomes an open space. Package holidays and Ouzo refer to Germany's post-war period clichés concerning Greece. The golden ratio makes reference to the concepts of ideal beauty, which originate in Greek Antiquity.
The inclusive situation is part confrontation with well-known clichés while at the same time opportunity to get involved in conversations about the present.

The project is being developed by Asli Serbest, Mona Mahall, and includes theater director Adelheid Schulz.
Participating students:
Yuxuan Hu, Lina Müller, Ioannis Michailidis, Julia Zumkeller, Christos Antoniou, Katarzyna Wierzchnicka, Rafal Wójcik, Sümeyye Yigit, Pavlina Zika, Georgios Katsanos, Sarah Yaparsidi, Juliane Schwarz, Riin-Kärt Ranne, Anastasia Thanou, Billur Damla Ufler, Philipp Schell, Wencong Li

With the help of Chrissi Nasz

Supported by
Universität Stuttgart, Institut Grundlagen moderner Architektur und Entwerfen
Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart (Klasse 2G)
Württembergischer Kunstverein

Press contact:
Iris Dressler, Fon: 0711 2233711; dressler@wkv-stuttgart.de

Opening May 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
With a lecture by Keller Easterling
DJ Sets by Iassen Markov, Charlie Mubarrak and DJ Souvlaki
Greek Food by Little Greek Taverna, Ouzo Drinks

Wurttembergischer Kunstverein
Schlossplatz 2 D-70173 Stuttgart
Tuesday to Sunday
Trip Booking from 12–6 p.m.
Greek Coffee or Ouzo from 4–5 p.m.
Greek Lessons from 4–5 p.m.
Golden Ratio Workshop from 5–6 p.m.

The Beast is the Sovereign
dal 15/10/2015 al 16/1/2016

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