The film series called Time As Activity forms a central part of Lamelas work. Therein he uses the camera as prosaic instrument in order to record urban life. For the Kunst Halle he has expanded the series by specifically realizing a new 16mm film that has been shot on three opulent locations in St. Gallen.
Time As Activity
David Lamelas is considered as one of the pioneers of 1960s conceptual art
practice. The film series called Time As Activity forms a central part of
his work. Therein he uses the camera as prosaic instrument in order to
record urban life. For the Kunst Halle he has expanded the series by
specifically realizing a new 16mm film that has been shot on three opulent
locations in St. Gallen: the Stiftsbibibliothek, the Dreilinden-Lakes and
the Cathedral.
On these different sites, texts from the Abbey Library's fund
are read by an actress in German, Latin and French. Different time levels
are thus merged into a new one, and cultural as well as site-specific
characteristics are disclosed in the film. There are five further Time As
Activity films, all shot over the last 40 years in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Los
Angeles, New York and Warsaw that are to be seen in the exhibition alongside
this most recent piece.
Opening luly 6, 2007
Neue Kunsthalle St. Gallen
Davidstrasse 40 - St. Gallen