Saibam International Corporation
You are invited to participate either in: Montreal International Autumn Salon of Fine Arts and Grand Saibam Contest. Deadline for entries: June 30th 2001. The second Montreal International Autumn Salon of Fine Arts will be held in Montreal from the 5th to the 26th of October 2001. In order to present a Salon of the most prestigious quality, it will be opened only to the most reputeed artists of the world whether it be on a national or international scale. Other than that, only the laureats of the Contest, who will have won that priviledge, shall be allowed in the Autumn Salon and share the honor to exhibit their Works of Art among the greatest artists of the world.
Montreal International Autumn Salon of Fine Arts and Grand SAIBAM Contest
You are invited to participate either in:
1) The Grand Universal Painting and Sculpture Contest that will take place
from the 15th to the 29th of September 2001 in Montreal (50,500$ in
Prizes, Grand Jury Prize: 10,000$)
2) be part of the Montreal International Autumn Salon of Fine Arts which
will be held in Montreal from the 5th to the 26th of October. The Salon is
Deadline for entries: Contest and Salon : JUNE 30th 2001
Information :
The second Montreal International Autumn Salon of Fine Arts will be held
in Montreal from the 5th to the 26th of October 2001. In order to present
a Salon of the most prestigious quality, it will be opened only to the MOST
NATIONAL OR INTERNATIONAL SCALE. Other than that, only the
LAUREATS of the Contest, who will have won that priviledge, shall be
allowed in the Autumn Salon and share the honor to exhibit their Works of
Art among the greatest artists of the world.
This year our guest of Honor will be the very famous Spanish painter and
sculpter, Monsieur ANTONIO COLMEIRO TOMÃS. A grand Dinner of
Honor will be given on the night before the Opening (October 4th) to
welcome him and to celebrate the Event. During the evening, a special
ceremony will take place in order to honor our First Salon's Guest of
Honor, Monsieur DJORDJE PRUDNIKOFF. Monsieur Prudnikoff will
be decorated with the first Saibam Grand Medal of Honor of the Montreal
Autumn Salon to be given away. A great Ball shall follow. On that subject,
we shall give you all the details in July.
Attention : The limit date for Inscription to the Salon is JUNE 30th
2001. The Fee is 125$ for the first Work of Art subscribed and 100$
for each additional Work. You may exhibit up to a maximum of 5 Works of Art.
The CONTEST concerns all those artists that have not yet reached the high
podiums of a National or International reputation. However, the
LAUREATS of the Contest, who will have won that priviledge, will be
allowed in the Autumn Salon and have the honor to exhibit their Works of
Art among the greatest artists of the world. The Contest will be held from
the 15th to the 29th of September 2001. Although the list of the Laureats
shall be communicated to all on September 29th, they shall be honored on
the Opening Night of the Salon d'Automne where the many prizes will be
given away.
Attention : The limit date for Inscription to the CONTEST is JUNE
30th 2001. The Fee is 155$ for subscribing one Work of Art and
310$ to submit a maximum of three Works of Art.
5259 boul. St. Laurent Montreal, Qc Canada H2T 1S4 Montreal Canada
Tel. 1-514-321-9951
Saibam International Corporation