Van Gogh Museum
Paulus Potterstraat, 7
+31 0205705200 FAX +31 0205705222
American Beauty
dal 17/10/2002 al 19/1/2003
020 5705200 FAX 020 6735053
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Van Gogh Museum Press Office

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Gennaio 2025


American Beauty

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

Painting and sculpture from The Detroit Institute of Arts, 1770-1920. The Van Gogh Museum presents masterpieces from the Detroit Institute of Arts. This museum owns one of the most beautiful and representative collections of American art in the world.

comunicato stampa

Painting and sculpture from The Detroit Institute of Arts, 1770-1920
18 Oct. 2002 t/m 19 Jan. 2003
Exhibition wing

In the autumn of 2002, the Van Gogh Museum presents masterpieces from the Detroit Institute of Arts. This museum owns one of the most beautiful and representative collections of American art in the world.

The exhibition will include works by all the best painters of the period 1770-1920, including those of the United States' first painters (Benjamin West, John Singleton Copley and Thomas Cole), the generation born between 1816 and 1847 (Mary Cassatt, Thomas Eakins, James McNeill Whistler, Albert Bierstadt, Martin Johnson Heade and Winslow Homer), and the young artists active around the turn of the last century (William Merritt Chase, John Singer Sargent and John Sloan).

Nell'immagine: 'A city park', William Merritt Chase, 1887.

The exhibition will trace the development of American art, illuminating the innovative spirit of a great nation.

The Van Gogh Museum
Paulus Potterstraat 7
info: 020-570 52 52
tel: 020-570 52 00
fax: 020-673 50 53

Picasso in Paris, 1900-1907
dal 14/2/2011 al 28/5/2011

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